Not all of us want our pocket knives to have an endless amount of tools that just keep on folding out like a magician pulling scarves out of a hat. Save those other gadgets for your multi-tool and get yourself a simple and straight-to-the-point pocket knife like the STL 2.5 from Gerber.
When you pick this knife up, the first thing you’ll notice is the thin blade, and how lightweight it feels in the palm of your hand. But just because it’s lightweight it doesn’t mean it’s flimsy! The STL is made from fully machined Stainless Steel, and it will sit comfortably in your hand during use. You’ll be able to slip it into your pocket or pack with ease - so you can lighten your daily load without compromising on quality.
Stop complicating your life and weighing down your pocket – get yourself an STL 2.5 from Gerber.