EvaKool is a homegrown, dinky-di Aussie owned company who produce top-notch iceboxes and portable fridges in Queensland's Sunshine Coast. The brand was born in 1994 on the need for an icebox that would retain ice for multiple days rather than the short periods of cold retention offered by the coolers available at the time.
EvaKool began with fibreglass iceboxes which still form part of their range today, and they have expanded their range to include polyethylene iceboxes as well as a range of highly efficient portable 12v fridges. If you need an icebox for camping, fishing or maybe a weekend picnic and sausage sizzle, or maybe just a heavy-duty lunchbox, you'll find a suitable product in the EvaKool range.
Ep101 – Evakool Fridges with Leana and Jaimie
From the soft hum to the frosty compartment, the humble fridge is a core component in a campsite setup. In this episode, Ben and Lauren keep their cool in an interview with EvaKool's Head of Marketing Leana, and Head of Refrigeration (and longstanding, qualified refrigeration mechanic) Jaimie. Despite their long-established narrative and true-blue Aussie spirit, EvaKool consistently generate fresh ideas. Tune in for a chockablock chat that unpacks all from their fruitful history to fridge efficiency.